Thursday, August 7, 2014

New Setup in Cali

The design from OK needed some tweaks, so it was easier to start from fresh 2x4s than move the stand.
Neptune Apex controller is set up and running well. My top off consists of a Tunze Osmolator, to a relay, to the Apex, to turn on a Since pump from the RO tank. The cords still need to be organized, but I bought a sheet of black acrylic to mount the electronics.
After a couple weeks, I bought a clean up crew from and would highly recommend them. I love the ease of water changes on this setup. Every Sunday the saltwater prep 10gal tank heats up and circulates. I suck out the debris, flip a switch, and the sw refills.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hiatus Concluded

In July 2013, I sold the entire setup and moved to Oklahoma. I'll be moving every year with my job, but I can't let go of the reef hobby. I've been toying with ideas for a smaller, portable setup and finally landed at a 18" cube 25 gallon. I built a demo 2x4 frame and really liked the way it turned out, but need a few adjustments before it's perfect. I'm moving to California in a few weeks and will make the mods there. Stay tuned for a new setup and an exciting new adventure in Cali.