Thursday, July 21, 2011

Live Rock

 Today I received 45lbs of Fiji Standard Live Rock from Fosters and Smith Aquatics. It cost $80 + $60shipping, ending up about $3/lb. Much cheaper than the $12.50+tax that the local fish store was charging. Expecting lower quality, I could then add nicer smaller pieces that I hand pick later. The rock itself is very pretty, but has very little coralline algae and color. There's many articles about making PVC foundations and using cable ties and epoxy to set the rocks permanently, but I've decided to save this task for after playing around with the arrangements a while.

While making as many caves as possible, I need much more creativity to be able to make it look natural. I'd like to have an arch in the top middle. Now the live rock cures and my biological filtration (bacteria) grows to cycle the tank. I will be monitoring ammonia and nitrite levels every couple of days and performing 15% (5gal) water changes every week. Hopefully the cycling process won't take more than about 6 weeks.

Day 1
Day 3

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