Friday, August 12, 2011


 With not much space under my stand, I was limited to a 5gal refugium. Using a 8" deep sand bed of CaribSea Argamax Select sand, I hope to see a tiny bit of nitrate reduction. I installed a 12Watt LED grow lamp (9red, 3blue) over a ball of spaghetti chaetomorpha I purchased online. The idea is that the algae will remove nitrates and phosphates from the water as it grows and can be removed from the system. The lights will be run from midnight to 9am to help stabilize the oxygen and pH levels in the water. I got many "swimmies" and even a bristle worm from the chaeto. The refugium is gravity fed from the overflow and empties into my sump. The 1" PVC plumbing and ball valve added significant noise to the trickle and so I covered all the piping in 0.5" neoprene foam. This made a big difference, but didn't get the noise back to a single vinyl hose.

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