Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sand Bottom

After using the crushed coral for an African Cichlid tank, I knew how much of a pain it was to keep clean. I was raised with the undergravel filters where you wanted the substrate to collect all the detritus and then vacuum it up. So I didn't really know much different. After much deliberation, I replaced the crushed coral with CaribSea Argamax Fiji Pink sand. I am so much happier with it. All the mess just lays right on top and is easily swept up into the water column to be taken care of by the skimmer. It has larger grains than the sugar sized and doesn't cause a sandstorm when I move it around. I used 30lbs to create a shallow sand bed. Some day, I may convert it to a deep sand bed, but with such a small tank, I want to keep my viewing real-estate.

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